The Buddy Garden

28th May, 2024

“Nature inspires creativity in a child by demanding visualisation and the full use of senses… In nature a child finds freedom, fantasy and privacy…” Richard Luv, ‘Last Child in the Woods’

Ms. O’Driscoll’s class decided to create a Buddy Garden in the school. The children, teacher and Ms Ryder worked together to create a lovely tranquil,colourful place for the children to have some peace, privacy and fun.

We decided to paint the flower boxes bright colours, along with the benches. We chose colours the children all voted on and would enjoy. Ms. O’Driscoll got some stencils which  4th-6th helped her to paint around the buddy garden. They used their imaginations and let the creativity flow.

Ms.O’Driscoll’s children planted some vegetables and flowers in the boxes along with tending to the strawberries. We have been watering them each day and checking on their progress. For a little while, we saw nothing but we have seen loads of growing in the last couple of weeks. We are hoping for some lovely veggies and flowers soon.