School News

Bike Week 2024

Bike Week 2024

Bike Week 2024 took place in May this year. We were very lucky to have a professional come in to us for the day. Garreth Curran from the bike shop...

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Space Week

Space Week

World Space Week takes place annually from the 4th to the 10th of October. It aims to celebrate 'the contributions of space science and...

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Bike Week 2023

Bike Week 2023

Bike Week took place on the 15th-19th May. To celebrate this, we reached out to our Louth Local Partnerships coordinator to see what we could do. We...

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Sports Day

Sports Day

We had Sports Day on Tuesday 22nd of June. We wore our own clothes to school. It was a very sunny day. Shane and Anthony came to help us with Sports...

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Our School Tour

Our School Tour

We did not think we would be going on a school tour this year because of Covid-19. When our teacher told us we could go, we were so EXCITED! Our...

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Book Review Butterfly Lion

Book Review Butterfly Lion

The Butterfly Lion By Michael Morpurgo What happens in the story? Bertie is a little boy and he finds a white lion. The lion comes to live with...

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